Level 2 Health and Safety at work
This is an excellent introduction to health and safety in the workplace and will benefit all employees, particularly those who may be accepting a health and safety role, such as a safety representative within their organisation.
Successful candidates will be awarded a national Level 2 (Level 5 in Scotland) qualification which will provide an ideal platform to higher level training or career development.
A range of subjects are covered including:
The roles and responsibilities for health, safety and welfare in the workplace
The value and process of risk assessments
The identification and control of workplace hazards
How to respond to workplace incidents and accidents
Assessment is on-going by the instructor, culminating with a multiple choice question paper.
This qualification does not expire, but refresher training and keeping up to date with changes to policies and procedures is vital to keep the qualification current.
A maximum of 16 students can be accommodated on this course and all candidates must be a minimum of 16 years of age to qualify.
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